Raw on the Land
There are a few rules I try to implement in my daily diet. Eating something raw with every meal is one of them. That means there is fruit, vegetable or some type of seed (that hasn’t been cooked) added to breakfast, lunch and dinner. This practice has huge benefits. Here are a few:
1. Raw veggies and fruits have live digestive enzymes to help with the breakdown of food. They also help your body to absorb nutrients.
2. They are chock-full of fiber. Fiber fills you up and helps you from overeating.
3. Fiber pushes food waste and toxins through your digestive tract. Picture fiber like you would a sponge.
The fiber found in fruit (raspberries, pears and apples), veggies (broccoli, spinach and artichokes) and Nuts (almonds and walnuts) also aid in:
– Beautifying your complexion (consider it a makeover at a fraction of the cost)
– Clearer eyes
– Increase in energy
– Sharper brain
– Stronger immune system
– Weight loss
Photo: My cellphone
Are you wondering how in the world do you include raw foods into your diet? Well, here are a few things that I do:
Breakfast – top oatmeal with walnuts & blueberries, add a few slices of apple to my grainy toast with nut butter or enjoy a side of berries with my egg cup.
Lunch – add baby spinach and/or avocado to my sandwich, make a yummy kale salad with pine nuts or simply eat an apple for “dessert”
Dinner – you can’t go wrong with a salad but step out of the box and shake things up a bit by trying shaved Brussel sprouts or baby spinach with sliced pears
Give it a try and start with one meal a week and build up to adding something raw to each meal. Oh, and don’t forget raw snacks! Vegetables with hummus, snow peas for sweetness or a handful of blackberries are great options.
Something tells me you might already be doing this. If so, share a few ideas below.